10th International Conference on ‘Global Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICGTET 2020-21)
Institute organizes International Conference every year. This year also 10th International Conference on ‘Global Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICGTET 2020-21)’ was organized (Online Mode) during 29-30 January 2021. The aim of this conference was to provide an interdisciplinary forum for engineers, scientists, researchers and student technocrats to interact and promote research and technology transfer of advances in Engineering and Technology. The objective of the ICGTET - 2020-21 was to enhance scientific and engineering information exchange among researchers, engineers, students and practitioners working in India and rest of the world. The conference was also aimed at providing free flow of ideas, particularly concerning to recent technological aspects.
The conference was jointly organized by Electronics and Telecommunication Department and Information Technology Department in association with Prince of Sonkla University, Thailand and ICT Academy, Chennai, technically co-sponsored by IETE, Aurangabad Section.
The inauguration was at the hands of Chief guest Dr. Tanit Chalermynont, Dean, Faculty Of Engineering, Prince of Sonkla University, Thailand and Guest of Honor Dr. Apoorva Mishra, Faculty, Computer Science and Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Pune. In this conference total 42 high quality papers were selected and presented and nearly 100 participants participated in the conference.
Glimpses of International Conference "ICGTET 2020-21"