International Conference on Global Trends in Science, Technology, Humanities, Commerce & Management (ICGTSTHCM 2022) held during Jan 1 – 3, 2022
The rate of growth of knowledge in present era is tremendous. It has transformed the way we live yet creating severe concerns of sustainability also. The twentieth century was for the search of knowledge; the twenty first century is for the integration of knowledge. It requires mingling of aristocracy of diversified disciplines for sharing and exchange, interaction. It needs forum. The forum is provided by conferences.
The International Conference on Global Trends in Science, Technology, Humanities, commerce and Management 2022 was held on virtual platform using ZOOM due to global spread of corona.
Aim and Objectives :
- To allow researchers, students and engineers gathering, on a rather informal basis, for fruitful discussions, and presentation of new results within the conference topics.
- To understand, advance, promote and integrate the emerging global trends in Science, Technology, Humanities, Commerce & Management.
- To provide premier interdisciplinary forum for Scientists, Engineers, Academicians, Researchers and Professionals to navigate the future research for better mankind.

The conference was inaugurated in the presence of Principal Dr. G. K. Patnaik, Vice Principal Dr. S. P. Shekhawat and Architect Shashikant Kulkarni along with conveners Dr. V. R. Diware and Dr. M. Husain. The conference was inaugurated by traditional lightening of lamp and Saraswati Vandana. Dr M Husain presented preface speech and Principal presented welcome speech followed by speech of Architect Kulkarni. Messages sent by Her Eminence Smt. Pratibha Patil, Former President of India and Founder Chairperson of the Governing Body of College, and Dr. D. R. Shekhawat, the former Chairman of the Governing Body of College and Message given by Honorable Shri Rao Saheb Shekhawat, Present Chairman of Governing Body of the College was also read.
There were over 29 research papers received in the conference from various disciplines. They were scrutinized by senior faculty members and checked for plagiarism using software. The selected papers were presented in the conference. The conference was live broadcasted on youtube. Students, academicians and scholars have taken advantage of this at large scale.
The valedictory session was held on Jan 3, 2022. Dr. M. Husain gave concluding talk, and vote of thanks was given by Dr. V. R. Diware.

Dr. Thipse addressing the Conference on Day 1 (01/01/2022)
Dr. Sukrut S. Thipse is working in the capacity of Senior Deputy Director at Automotive Research Association of India. He is heading the Engine Development and Environment Research Laboratory. He has completed successfully several engine and vehicle projects for major Original equipment manufacturers. He serves as a member in the expert committee on alternate
fuels of Department of Science and Technology (DST) and Ministry of non conventional and renewable energy. He represents India on the ISO TC 22 and ISO TC 197 committees on gaseous fuel standards. He is chairman of BIS TED-26 national standards committee on gaseous fuels. He is also member of AISC, and several national committees. He is governing board member of society of automotive engineers, India Western section, life member of Combustion Institute and Indian Society for technical education.
He has published 14 books and has 6 patents to his credit. He has 100+ publications in national and international conferences and international journals. He has won three awards for best technical paper in international conferences.
Dr Thipse talked about importance of alternative fuel technology, reviewed the research going on in the field of alternative fuel technology and discussed the technological and regulatory bottlenecks to be opened.
Glimpses of the presentation of Dr. Thipse :

Dr Keshav Singh addressing the Conference on Day 1 (01/01/2022)
Dr. Keshav Singh received BE in Electronics from SSBT’s College of Engineering and Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon, India. He did Ph. D. degree in Communication Engineering from National Central University, Taiwan, in 2015. He currently works at the Institute of Communications Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU), Taiwan as an Assistant Professor.
He leads research in the areas of green communications, resource allocation, full-duplex radio, ultra-reliable low-latency communication, non-orthogonal multiple access, wireless edge caching, machine learning for communications, and reconfigurable intelligent surface-assisted communications.
Dr Singh focused on digital signal processing and its future in his address.
Glimpses of the presentation of Dr Keshav Singh :

Dr. Rajdeep Gautam addressing the Conference on Day 1 (01/01/2022)
Dr Rajdeep did B. E. in Electronics from SSBT’s College of Engineering and Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon in 2005. Then he did M. Tech in VLSI Design and Fabrication from KBC North Maharshtra University, Jalgaon, India and Ph.D. from Yokohama National University, Japan.
Presently he is Principal Device Engineer, Novel memory technologies, Ferroelectric Memory company, Dresden, Germany. He has 11 Patents on 3D NAND Flash Data storage technology in his credit.
In his talk Dr. Gautam Described his success path and being an alumnus motivated the student audience for career building. He talked of versatile and dynamic personality required for a successful engineer. He also talked of data storage facilities in the field of electronics as futuristic technology.
Glimpses of the presentation of Dr. Rajdeep Gautam :

Dr. Alex Furman addressing the Conference on Day 2 (02/01/2022)
He is an agricultural engineer. He is a Ph.D. in Hydrology and Water Resources from the University of Arizona. He served as a researcher at the Agricultural Research Organization of Israel. Currently he serves as the head of the Grand water research institute. Dr Furman talked about water management in Israel and its relevance to India.
Glimpses of the presentation of Dr. Alex Furman :

Dr. S. P. Shekhawat addressing the Conference on Day 2 (02/01/2022)
Dr. Sanjay Pratapsingh Shekhawat is a professor in mechanical engineering and vice principal at SSBT’s College of Engineering and Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon, MS. He has done Ph D in Solar Energy. He has served as an associate dean of faculty of engineering at KBC North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.
Dr. Shekhawat talked about grass root level innovations and their relevance in sustainable development. He emphasized that such innovations can transform the country to a developed nation.
Glimpses of the presentation of Dr. S. P. Shekhawat :

Dr. Nitin Chaudhari addressing the Conference on Day 2 (02/01/2022)
Dr. Nitin Chaudhari is Associate Professor in the Department of Science, School of Technology at Pandit Deendayal Energy University (PDEU), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. Dr. Nitin received his Ph.D. degree in Material Science from Korea University, Seoul and subsequently Korean Government’s Fellowship. After Ph.D.
Dr. Chaudhri talked about Recent Advances in Fuel Cell Technology and Electrochemical Hydrogen Production
Glimpses of the presentation of Dr. Nitin Chaudhari :

Dr. Samapti Kundu addressing the Conference on Day 3 (03/01/2022)
Dr. Kundu earned her Masters and Doctorate degree in Physics with specialization in Materials Science from the University of Burdwan in India and PhD. She works on novel nano-materials/composites and apply them in photocatalysis and lithium-ion battery.
She received prestigious "DST-INSPIRE Scholarship & Fellowship", by DST, India and "Davis Postdoctoral fellowship" in Israel. She talked about water purification using nano technology and its future applications.
Glimpses of the presentation of Dr. Samapti Kundu :

Dr. Fenta Mulugeta addressing the Conference on Day 3 (03/01/2022)
Dr. Fenta Mulugeta Chanie is a Research Scholar at Szedge University, Hungary. He is an M. Sc. in Earth Science and doing Ph. D. in Geoscience. He works in the field of Geo tourism, application of GIS and Remote sensing in Earth Sciences, GIS field work, Advanced modelling in GIS, fractured reservoirs, Remote sensing of the latest technology, Big data Mining for geo informatics, Shallow geophysical field surveys, Subsurface fluid flow systems, Geothermal energy utilization, Sedimentary geology and processes, crystalline basement of Tisza mega unit, technologies of reservoir simulation, environmental geology and Analytical techniques in environmental geochemistry. He is working as a lecturer in Bahir Dar University, School of Earth science, Ethiopia. He has got several good publications in his credit. He has attended quite a few conferences.
He is working as a lecturer in Bahir Dar University, School of Earth science, Ethiopia. Dr. Mulugeta talked about a case study done by him in the arid regions of Ethiopia for ground water location.
Glimpses of the presentation of Dr. Fenta Mulugeta :

Summary of participants joining through Zoom :
(The conference was live broadcasted on and large number of academicians, scholars and students have been benefitted of it.)
S. N. | Date | Speaker | Participants |
1 | 01/01/2022 | Dr. Sukrut Thipse | 71 |
2 | Dr. Keshav Singh | 46 | |
3 | Dr. Rajdeep Gautam | 54 | |
4 | 02/01/2022 | Dr. Alex Furman | 46 |
5 | Dr. S. P. Shekhawat | 59 | |
6 | Dr. Nitin Chaudhari | 32 | |
7 | 03/01/2022 | Dr. Samapti Kundu | 57 |
8 | Mr. Mulugeta Fenta | 39 |
Glimpses of the Technical Paper Presentation