Energy Club
"Education, Enhancement, Expedition for Effective Energy System"
Installation Ceremony of "Energy Club" and expert lecture took place by auspicious hand of Shri. Sanjeev Phadnis, Sr. Manager (Production), Solar Division, Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd, Jalgaon on 04.10.2019 for Biotechnology and Chemical Engineering students.
Objectives of Energy Club
- Promote Energy Efficiency
- Protect Environment
- Energy Conservation
- Bioremediation
- Non Conventional Energy Sources
- Energy Audit
- Water Conservation and Waste Water Treatment
- Innovation in Sustainable Energy
Outcomes of Energy Club
- Energy Efficient Technology
- Environmental Solutions
- Energy Conservation and Management
- Waste Management
- Save Electricity
- Save Water
- Tree Plantation
- Save Fuel
- Active Citizenship
- Energy Quiz
- Energy Mentor Meet
- Poster, Essay Competitions
- Minor Projects
- Workshops and Seminars
- Technical Events
Under the energy club, vermi-composting project for compositing in-house waste generated in the garden of the college was started by auspicious hand of respected Principal, SSBTs COET on 19/12/2019.