Report of Student Induction Program (SIP) (Academic Year 2018 – 19)
All India Council of Technical Education, India (AICTE) has promulgated an entirely new teaching scheme and syllabus for engineering courses with aim to have a curriculum which is unified across the nation and is at par with the international standards. The AICTE has explicitly mentioned that engineering education is meant to train graduates well in the specific branch of admission yet to have a holistic outlook, and have a desire to work for national needs and beyond. The graduating student must have broad understanding of society and relationships and s/he must recognize his/her role and responsibility as an engineer, as a citizen and as a human being. The Directors of the IITs discussed this issue and thought of introducing an Induction Program in the curriculum. They implemented it at pilot scale and inspired by its success recommended to be included in the AICTE model curriculum.
The induction program is a three week program designed to bridge up the gap between students and teachers, and to transform the students from school ambiance to college ambiance. It provides an opportunity for the students coming from diversified sections of society to intermingle.
The SSBT’s College of Engineering and Technology, Bambhori is affiliated with KBC, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. It has adopted wef 2018 – 19 the model curriculum of AICTE which is extremely incumbent for the engineering graduates. Hence it has implemented the Induction Program also. The program has eight significant objectives listed as follows:
- To make aware a student about importance of physical work and fitness.
- To brush up the inherent creativity that may ultimately reflect in engineering design.
- To inculcate universal human values in students to be fit in the society where the entire universe is transforming into a business park.
- To inculcate literary interests in students.
- To appraise the students about importance of communication skills, computer proficiency etc.
- To motivate students with interactive talks with eminent persons.
- Exposure to real world through site visits.
- To familiarize the student with his/her branch in particular.
In view of the above mentioned objectives, the SSBT’s COET Bambhori prepared a comprehensive plan for Induction Program for its pioneer batch of AICTE model curricula for academic year 2018 -19. The program was made ‘full proof’ with comprehensive discussion sessions amongst HoDs and teachers. The program was implemented effectively during August 1st to 21ST, 2018. Over 465 students participated in the program. As all the students cannot be engaged in one activity at a time due to the large number the induction program was divided into parallel sessions. The inaugural session was addressed by Principal K S Wani. Professor Wani. He being a blend of administrator, teacher and researcher shared his long experience with the vibrant youth.
He said: We pledge to create a conducive environment, provide the resources, focused leadership for you to achieve your dreams. When I look in front of me I see vibrant young people with a lot of energy and enthusiasm. I hope that the energy you have you will use it to your best for the benefit of yourself and others. We want you to succeed here, academically, socially and personally.
Several eminent speakers enriched students with their positive thoughts:
Dr Chetansingh Rajput, Deputy Superintendent of Sale Tax guided students for preparation for competitive examinations. Mr Hemant Thombare DIG Police, Jalgaon appraised students about start up scheme of GoI. Mr Jaydeep Patil, Director, Nobel Foundation Jalgaon described students the importance of the habit of reading. Dr G A Usmani, Professor, KBC North Maharashtra University Jalgaon, discussed challenges in modern society and their solutions. Mr Hemant Bhide, HR Consultant and Trainer talked on the importance of joint family and ethos. Mr Parag Mahajan, talked on presentation skills. Mr Devdatta Gokhale covered the topic of Employability skills. Ms Rashmi Gokhale talked on effective communications. In addition to this, all HoDs had interactive sessions with the students and describe the significance of their respective branches.
Program also included sessions by Prajapita Brahma Kumaries who talked on human values and spirituality.
The induction program included various cultural activities like singing, anchoring, musical instruments, dance, acting, painting, rangoli, mehandi competition, flower decoration etc. students participated in these events enthusiastically. There were several sports event like cricket, volleyball, football, khokho, kabaddi, basketball, shot put, running, badminton, carom, chess, table tennis etc. While cultural event nurture and evolve creativity in participants, sports event inculcate sports spirit. Both are extremely important in modern engineering field. Creativity promotes innovation and sports spirit enables a person to work in team, it also teaches tolerance and coexistence.
There were regular sessions on Yoga and Meditations also. These are important as they enable a person to keep balance of mind and to cope with work pressure. It boosts up the internal power of persons.
The program included a visits to Matoshri old age home. Students interacted with old age people. This event promoted a feeling of social responsibility in students and appraise them with the importance of family tradition and human values.
The outcomes:
The SSBT’s COET caters students from a larger section of the society which are diversified culturally, socially and economically. They are coming from extremely different backgrounds. The induction program provides them to intermingle, to come closer to understand each other as well as the significance and scope of the engineering education in a broader perspective. Students coming from extreme rural background are likely to feel strange and to some extent depressed in the entirely new and enormous environment of the engineering college. Induction program provided liberation from these problems and attached the students with creativity, confidence and joy. It enlightened them from inside with their own energy and prepared them well for their best performance in engineering studies.
Dr. K. S. Patil
Induction Programme (2018 – 19)
Prof K S Wani Addressing the Induction Programme

Students practicing Yoga

Students practicing Meditation