Milestone-2k19: A National Level Student Paper & Poster Presentation
One day National Level Event “Milestone-2k19” was organized on 2nd March, 2019 at SSBT’s College of Engineering & Technology, Jalgaon. The MILESTONE is mega event organized by our institute every year for students from various streams such as Engineering, Pharmacy, Management, etc.Aim of the event is to bring diversified disciplines to come at a common platform to exchange their expertise, express their ideas to share their knowledge, experiences and to evolve the track for navigating the innovative thinking. This event drives the different activities such as Paper Presentation, Poster Presentation, Mock Interview, Robo-Race, Treasure hunt, Box-Cricket and much more. But as a mark of respect to CRPF jawans who were martyred in Pulwama, the entertainment events like Treasure hunt, Box-cricket, Robo-race, etc. were cancelled. Before opening ceremony we paid homage to martyred CRPF soldiers in Pulwama terror attack.
Opening Ceremony
The event began with felicitation of dignitaries, Chief Guest Shri. Sanjay Kumar, General Manager, BSNL, Jalgaon, Guest of Honor Shri. Kanan Iyer, Sr. Manager (R&D), Legrand (I), Jalgaon, Prof. (Dr) G. K. Patnaik, In charge Principal, Prof. (Dr.) Amol Landge, Principal, SSBT’s Institute of Pharmacy, Jalgaon, Prof. (Dr.) S. P. Shekhawat, G. B. Member, followed by Deep Prajwalan & Saraswati Puja & Vandana.
In Preface speech by Gayatri Chaudhari, Student Convener, she shared her experience regarding development of personality and management skills through organizing such events. Introductory speech was given by Er. N. K. Patil, Convener, Milestone-2k19. He correlated about an employability & participation in such events. He further insisted that participants should provide background about the problem, and supply sufficient technical details and experimental results in their presentation. In Welcome speech by Dr. G. K. Patnaik, In charge Principal provide information about college and welcomed all dignitaries and participants.
In enlightening and motivating speech of Shri. Kanan Iyer, Guest of Honor, he stressed on keeping a keen eye on cost effectiveness & safety practices during innovation. He appealed students to pursue excellence rather than becoming successful. Inaugural address was delivered by Chief Guest, Shri. Sanjay Kumar. He highlighted about how paper presentation plays a key role in professional life. He further shared his own real life experience in BSNL about an effective presentation required to convince client regarding our work.Finally, Vote of Thanks was delivered by Manish Badgujar, Student Convener.
There were 11 departments viz. Applied Science, Bio-Technology, Chemical Engg., Civil Engg., Computer Engg., Electrical Engg., E&TC Engg., I.T. Engg., MBA, Mechanical Engg. & Pharmacy. Every department conducted sessions. Around 400 students participated in Milestone-2k19.This event provides participants to inculcate the characteristics like communication, self-motivation, team-work, responsibility, leadership, problem-solving, decisiveness in their attitude.