Nature Club
The club will work with the sole objective of enhancing awareness on environmental protection with people's participation, in house and el fresco.
Nature's friend club constituted with following members:
- Mr. M. Husain (CED) coordinator
- Mr. V. M. More (Care taker)
- Mr. R. M. Nehte (Senior Helper)
- Students members (Volunteers)
The club will organize following activities minimum:
- Environmental awareness lecture by in house faculty, once in a year.
- Environmental awareness lecture by in eminent external faculty, once in a year.
- Celebrating vehicle pool day.
- Dust bin illumination contest
- Tree plantation.
- Water harvesting
Activities of Nature Club:
- Dr. M. Husain arranged a lecture on "Environmental Awareness" for school teachers.
- Brahma kumaries visited our college and delivered lecture on "Disaster management".
- The college celebrated "NO VEHICLE DAY" on September 17th, 2019 with an objective of minimizing the vehicle use and controlling air pollution. Students and staff members enthusiastically participated in the event. Normally around 480 two wheelers are found in the campus on a normal working day. However on this day the number reduced to 173. People preferred public transport. Four wheeler users also shared their vehicles on that day.