Robo Club
This club was started in early 2013 in the Mechatronics Lab. of Mechanical Engg. Dept. & has developed into a vibrant hub for inter-disciplinary & co-curricular activities.
Workshops like VisionBOTics on 6th sense robotics & Tanubhaav was organized to generate interest among students of Mechanical , Electronics & Computer dept. Soon students started building robots for participating in Robo-Tracker, Robo-Race & Robo-War competitions organized by neighbouring institutes like SGD COET Jalgaon, SSGB COE Bhusawal, JTM COE Faizpur , RCPIT Shirpur & GHRIT Jalgaon with great deal of success.
Robotryst (workshop organized by IIT Delhi) 2014 & 2016 has inspired students to build task-specific robots for participation in National Competitions like SHAASTRA (IIT Madras) 2012 Design of Lunar Rover Challenge, Robocon (IIT Delhi) 2015, 2016, 2018 & 2019 – their robots were successful in clearing the initial rounds & securing national ranking.