Department of Civil Engineering: Laboratories

The laboratory conatins all the necessary equipments to conduct experiments,as per the prescribed syllabus of the affiliating university.The laboratory is used for conducting experiments as per the syllabus of the university, and projects for students The laboratory extends its facilties for consultancy services for various Government and Private agencies and thus contributes for the societal development with technological input.

The laboratory conatins all the necessary equipments to conduct experiments, pertiating to the fluid Mechanics,as per the prescribed syllabus of the affiliating university. The laboratory is used for conducting experiments as per the syllabus of the university and projects for students.

The laboratory conatins all the necessary equipments to conduct experiments as per the prescribed syllabus of the affiliating university. The laboratory is used for conducting experiments as per the syllabus of the university.

The laboratory has 48 number of computers all connected with LAN, having internet connetcion too. the laboratory is used by the students for their experimental work in the subject of building drawing, for internet surfing and project work.

The laboratory conatins all the necessary equipments to conduct experiments, pertiating to the water and wastewater characterization in lab and in situ,as per the prescribed syllabus of the affiliating university. In addition to this it has modern equipments, namely, spectro-photometer, Noise Intensity monitoring device, High volume sampler for ambient air quality assessment, exhaust gas analyzer for vehicular emission analysis, slurry pahse photo catalytic apparatus etc. The laboratory is used for conducting experiments as per the syllabus of the university, projects for students and advanced research studies for the Ph D scholars. The laboratory extends its facilties for consultancy services for various Government and Private agencies and thus contributes for the societal development with technological input.

To conduct practical classes for UG students as per curriculum to facilitate advanced specific equipments for research work like investigation of suitable and economical foundation bed level by CRM resistivity meter .Microoptic study of mineral rock under petrological microscope and study of core logging and remote sensing &GIS study of aerial photos.

The laboratory conatins all the necessary equipments to conduct experiments, pertiating to the soil characterization and determination of its properties, in lab and in situ,as per the prescribed syllabus of the affiliating university. In addition to this it has modern equipments, namely, Plate Load Test and Standard Penetration Test apparatus used for soil bearing capacity determination. the laboratory extends its facilties for consultancy services for various Government and Private agencies and thus contributes for the societal development with technological input.

The laboratory conatins all the necessary equipments to conduct experiments, pertiating to the construction material characterization and mix design,as per the prescribed syllabus of the affiliating university. In addition to this it has modern equipments, namely, permeaility determination apparatus, computerized UTM etc. The laboratory facilities are used by studnets for conducting experiments, carrying out projectsb and extending its consultancy services for various Government and Private agencies and thus contributing for the societal development with technological input.

The laboratory conatins all the necessary equipments to conduct experiments, pertiating to the topographic survey and geodatic survey as per the prescribed syllabus of the affiliating university. It has has modern equipments, namely, 1" theodolite, digital planimeter, total station etc. The laboratory facilities are used by studnets for conducting experiments, carrying out projectsb and extending its consultancy services for various Government and Private agencies and thus contributing for the societal development with technological input.