Department of Computer Engineering: Laboratories

Students, faculty and staff have access to this lab, which provide the tools and technologies to perform hands on experiments related to C / C++ Programming languages. Also students can perform all the lab practicals related to Database Management System in this lab.

Lab 2 consists of computers with all the recent tools and softwares using which students can perform all the practicals related to Web Programming Language. Students can produce websites, edit papers, complete class assignments, communicate via email, conduct data analyses and access library resources.

In this lab, students carry out all the hands on tutorials and assignments of various subjects. Computers with all the recent open source softwares and tools are available in this lab which helps the students to complete their lab tutorials and carry out various experiments in their leisure time.

This is a hardware lab which includes various ARM 7 and ARM 9 boards used to perform the Embedded Systems practicals. Microprocessor and Microcontroller Kits are also available for performing practicals related to 8086 and 8051.

Computers with all the recent open source software related to C / C++ languages are available in this lab. Students can also perform practicals related to C / C++ languages using these open source software.

Lab 6 consists of computers with all the recent open source softwares and tools used to perform practicals related to Object Oriented Programming. Students can perform hands on experiments of C++ / Java Programming language.

In this lab students can perform hands on experiments based on Software Engineering. Students can produce websites, edit papers, complete class assignments, communicate via email, conduct data analyses and access library resources.

This lab consists of computers with all the recent open source tools and softwares using which students can perform hands on practicals based on Advanced Computer Networks / Computer Networks. Students can have experiments using NS2, live demos of configuring and working of Wifi access points, switches, routers, etc.

This is a Project / Research Lab consisting of latest high configured computers. Each project group from TE and BE is assigned one computer on which the group members can perform all of their project related experiments / activities.

This Lab consists of computers with Linux Operating system installed on it. Here students can perform all the hands on experiments related to Unix programming. Also students perform the 8086 assembly language programs in this lab.

This lab consists of computers with all the recent open source tools and softwares using which students can perform hands on practicals based on Database Management System. Students can perform hands on experiments using the MySQL database and enhance their back-end handling skills in this lab.

Lab 12 consists of computers with all the recent open source softwares and tools used to perform practicals related to Object Oriented Programming. Students can perform hands on experiments of C++ / Java Programming language.

Lab 13 consists of computers with all the recent open source softwares and tools used to perform practicals related to Operating System and Software Engineering. Students can perform hands on experiments of C Language, C++, UML.