Department of Electrical Engineering: Laboratories

DC Compound Motor coupled with Compound Generator, DC Shunt Motor with Mechanical Loading, DC Series Motor coupled with DC Shunt Generator, Three phase Induction Motor coupled with DC Shunt Generator, Identical DC Machines Set, 2KVA single phase Transformer, Scott of Transformer connection set, Resistive Load Bank and sufficient quantity of measuring instruments and accessories.

Three phase Induction Motor with Mechanical Loading, DC Shunt Motor Coupled with three phase Synchronous Alternator, Three phase Synchronous Motor coupled with Synchronous Alternator, DC Shunt Motor Coupled with three phase Synchronous Alternator along with Synchronizing Panel (Synchronous Machine Connected to infinite bus), Synchronous Motor with mechanical loading arrangement, Slip Ring Induction Motor with mechanical Loading, Single Phase Induction Motor with Mechanical Loading, Three phase Variable Inductive Load, Resistive load Bank and sufficient quantity of measuring instruments and accessories.

400KM Long Transmission Line Study Unit with Protection, DC Shunt Motor Coupled with three phase Synchronous Alternator, Three phase Capacitive load and sufficient quantity of measuring instruments and accessories.

Synchro transmitter and receiver, Frequency Response of First and Second Order, PID Controller, Stepper Motor, Speed/ torque characteristics of AC and DC Servo Mete, DC Position Servo System, Potentiometer as an error detector system, AC Position Servo System.

CT and PT Testing Kits, RTD, LVDT & Thermostat Characteristics Kits, DC Potentiometer Kit, Campbell's Bridge, Different Network kits, Different measuring instrument and regulated power supply.

Micro Processor based Over Current Relay, MCB, MCCB & Relay Testing Kit, Panel for Differential Protection of Transformer, Panel for Distance Protection of Transmission Line, Panel for Differential (Merze Price) Protection of Alternator, Arc Extinction Modal.

Single phase half and full controlled D.C. motor trainer, Speed control of Single phase Induction motor using voltage regulator, Stepper motor control trainer, Speed control of Universal motor, Microcontroller based D.C. Drive with ½ HP D.C. Shunt motor, Three phase Induction motor speed control using variable frequency drive, One quadrant and Two quadrant chopper control D.C. motor.

A. Analog and Digital
Analog Oscilloscope :30 MHz, 2 Ch. , 1mV with alt Triggering & Trigger Bandwidth of 60 MHz., Analog Power Scope : 30 MHz Function Generator : 3 MHz Function Generator with built in 15 MHz Frequency Counter, Power Supply : Dual power supply 30V/3A each with Digital Display of voltage and current, Digital Multimeter : 3 ¾ Digital Display (4000 counts) , Auto & Manual Range Selection, DC, AC Voltage & current, Resistance, Capacitance Range continuity, transistor HFE, Duty Cycle,
8085 Microprocessor with 7 Segment LED display, inbuilt Keyboard & Power Supply, Model:Classik-85, 8085 Microprocessor with 20 x 4 line LCD display, PC Keyboard & Power Supply, Model:XPO-85, 8086 Microprocessor with 20 x 4 line LCD display, PC Keyboard & Power Supply, Model:XPO-86, 8051 Microcontroller with 20 x 4 line LCD display, PC keyboard & Power supply, Model:XPO-51, 8255, 8155, 8237, and 8279 Periware with Converter card, Stepper Motor with DC Motor study card RS232 Interfacing cable with, Software for Uploading & Downloading the Programe from PC to Kit & Kit to PC
C. Power Electronics
Triggering circuit of SCR, Commutation circuit class C & class D, Single phase full wave controlled rectifiers R, R-L, LOAD CHAR, Single phase semi converter, Series and parallel Inverter, Three phase full wave controlled rectifiers, Step up and Step Down chopper, Three phase inverter. SCR, Three phase inverter. MOSFET

Computers Lenovo: Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU E2180@2.00GHZ, Installed Memory(RAM):1.00GB, System Type: 32-bit operating system ,Wi-fi, integrated graphics, optical mouse, Scanner H.P. G-3010 Scanjet

50kV AC and 70kV DC Voltage Test Assembly, Spear gap Assembly for measurement of 50kV AC and 70kV DC Voltage, Double voltage Double frequency test unit, and Corana cage unit

Computers Processor: Intel(R) CPUG630@ 2.70GHZ, Installed Memory (RAM): 2.00GB, System Type: 32-bit operating system, LAN Cable, integrated graphics, optical mouse, Software: PSCAD